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System Software IMP Questions

GTU MCA  SS (System Software) IMP Questions

Chapter 1 From Dhamdhere's Book – Language Processors

Q-1      What is System software or what do you mean by System Programming? How System Software differs from Application Software? Give examples of System Software?
Q-2      Compare Program Translation model (e.g. compiler) with Program Interpretation Model (e.g. interpreter).
Q-3      Explain the activities involved in Pass-I and Pass-II of Toy Compiler giving example. (Front End and Back End or Analysis and Synthesis)
Q-4      Define following:-
1. Language Processor.            2 Grammar       3. Production                4. Terminal and Non Terminal Symbols
Q-5      What are the different types of Grammar?
Q-6      What are Language Processor Development Tools? Give Examples of them?
Q-7      What do you mean by Binding? Explain Static and Dynamic binding?


Chapter 2 From Dhamdhere's Book – Data Structures

Q-1      What do you mean by Search Data Structure and Allocation Data Structuer?Explain in detail the following:-
            1. Sequential Search Organization
            2. Binary Search Organization
Q-2      Explain in detail the following:-
            1. Stack and Extended Stack Model
            2. Memory Management
Q-3      What are the different Collision Handling methods in Hash Table Organization? Explain each of them?
Q-4      What is Hybrid Format?
Q-5      Explain Heap? How memory management is done through heap?


Chapter 3 From Dhamdhere's  – Scanning and Parsing

Q-1      What is FSA? Define DFA? Draw a DFA that identifies all the floating variables present in a given string?
Q-2      Explain in detail Top – down Parsing with Backtracking?
Q-3      Discuss the problems arising due to backtracking in Top –down Parsing? How these problems can be removed?
Q-4      Write algorithm of Bottom-up parsing and explain it?
Q-5      Write algorithm of Operator Precedence parsing and explain it?
Q-6      What are FIRST and FOLLOW Functions? Explain them with LL(1) Grammar?

Chapter 4 From  Dhamdhere's  Book - Assembler

Q-1      Explain data structure of Pass – I of assembler?
Q-2      What are the different types of Statements used in Assembler?
Q-3      Discuss – ORIGIN, LTORG and EQU assembler Directives?
Q-4      Explain the problem of Forward Reference?
Q-5      Compare Variant I and Variant II Intermediate Code of Pass-I assembler?
Q-6      Discuss the architecture of INTEL 8088 processor?
Q-7      Compare and contrast Two-pass assembler with one-pass assembler?

Chapter 5 From Dhamdhere's Book - Macro

Q-1      Define MACRO? Which different statements constitute a MACRO?
Q-2      Explain Expansion Time Statements and Expansion Time Variables?
Q-3      How a Nested macro call can be made?
Q-4      In brief write a note on REPT and IRP statements?
Q-5      Explain the data structures used in Macro Preprocessor?
Q-6      What is the difference between a MACRO and a PROCEDURE?
Q-7      What is the difference between a MACRO and the Preprocessor directives used in C?

Chapter 6 From Dhamdhere's Book – Compilers and Interpreters

Q-1      Write a note on Scope Rules?
Q-2      How static and Dynamic Pointers are used in Compiler?
Q-3      Explain – DISPLAY, DOPE VECTOR, TRIPLES, INDIRECT TRIPLES, QUADRUPLES, Operand Descriptor, Register Descriptor?
Q-4      Throw a light on Code Optimization? Explain all the code optimization techniques?
Q-5      What are the different phases of compilation process? (ans - same as assembler)
Q-6      Explain Symbol table management done in Compiler? (ans – with display)
Q-7      Define PFG? Also explain it through an example?
Q-8      Explain pure and impure Interpreters?

Chapter 7 From Dhamdhere's Book - Linkers

Q-1      Discuss translated, linked and load origins and address? Also explain relocation factor?
Q-2      What is program relocation and program linking?
Q-3      Explain the data structures used in Relocation and Linking or the data structures used in Pass-I of Linker?
Q-4      What are Self-relocating programs?
Q-5      Differentiate Absolute and Relocatable Loaders?
Q-6      Write a brief note on Overlays?

Chapter 8 From Dhamdhere's  – Software Tools

Q-1      Describe the steps involved in Program Development Activity?
Q-2      Write short notes on – Editors, Debug Monitors and User Interfaces?

Device Driver Questions

Q-1      What are Device Drivers? Explain their working?
Q-2      List the different types of device drivers used?
Q-3      Explain Block Device Driver or Character Device Driver?
Q-4      Compare Block Device Driver with Character Device Driver?
Q-5      How can you install a Device Driver?

Practical Related Questions

Q-1      What is .Model representation?
Q-2      What are the options used with .Model representation?
Q-3      Can we use more than one Code segment in an assembly Program?
Q-4      What are the advantages of Assembly Programming?
Q-5      What is the significance of ASSUME directive?
Q-6      Why @ is used in .Model representation?
Q-7      Explain different Flag registers? (A particular flag can be asked)
Q-8      What is an Interrupt? Name some interrupts other than 21h?
Q-9      What is LEA? Why it is used? Why we use OFFSET keyword with MOV statement during printing?
Q-10    What is a Segment? What are the different segment registers? What is the default size of a segment?
Q-11    At a particular time, how many segments can be active in an assembly program?
Q-12    What are different Index registers? For which purpose, SI and DI are used?
Q-13    What are different addressing modes? Explain with example. (A particular mode can be asked)
Q-14    Give the difference between .Com and .Exe programs?
Q-15    Which Parser among these – LL(1), Recursive Descent, Operator Precedence - is best according to you?
Q-16    What is the advantage of Top down parsing without Backtracking?
Q-17    What is better to use – a Macro or a Procedure – in an assembly program for a particular code?
Q-18    What is the difference between Variant – I and Variant – II IC?
Q-19    What are the problems faced in one pass assembly?
Q-20    What is the use of Sequencing Symbol in Macro?
Q-21    What is the difference between Literals and Constants?
Q-22    What is DEBUG? Explain its commands? Especially ‘P’, ‘A’ and ‘U’ commands?

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